Access to Solar Technologies is a social enterprise organization with the aim to bring solar energy to disadvantaged communities in Uganda. At Access to Solar Technologies we provide solar energy solutions to on and off grid clients, with a good client touch of after sale service which covers Training, service and maintenance of our systems.
Solar Village Project
In order to be able to make a long-term contribution towards alleviating poverty, the Solar Energy Foundation our funding partner for this initiative has decided to take a holistic approach through a policy of concentrated and comprehensive support to supply entire villages. Learn more
Domestic & Institutional Systems
Basic home solar systems for powering lights, TV set, Fridge, fan and flat Iron etc.
Commercial solar systems for both small and big businesses. Institutional solar systems for schools, Hospitals, religious facilities and other community facilities Learn more
Advocacy on Renewable Energy
In the struggle to restore our environment which is getting filled up with Toxic fumes we agreed to sensitise the communities about solar Energy and other renewable energies that can help on improving the lives and standards of living. Learn more
Change the lives of millions of the people still stuck in energy poverty in Uganda.